Spanish Professional Learning course

27 Abr

Spanish Professional Learning course

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Fecha(s) - 27/04/2024 - 29/04/2024
Horario: 9:30 am - 11:15 am

Lugar sede del evento
E-learning Universidad Mojomexico


This is a COURSE to LEARN SPANISH as a PRO EXCECUTIVE, fulled of TOP Cultural Topics used for a Entrepise Business Negociation, or Hight Social Reunions when you have to demostrate not only the capacity to undestand otherwise the capacity to Express Right Ideas in Perfect Spanish entonation.

This is a Course focused for a any FOREIGN audit from English, French, or another Languages welcome.

On each leasson we can combine topics of the common live or inclusive English Books Rommans, French Books Rommans , Cultural Musisc, Sports, Hood Manufacturing stuffs, any other just to the porpuse to gain good Level Speaking Spanish as a Pro.

Each Class is imparted as Individual Lessons starting in One houre and half with 2 times a week for beginners until Express Course for advanced who are looking fast results.

Even if you are looking for TRANSLATE documents, or TRADUCTOR, we can check availablity at your needs.


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